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寇艳君,女,博士,1985年生,中国水稻研究所特聘研究员,博士研究生导师。2007年7月获华中农业大学生物技术专业和华中师范大学心理学专业双理学学士学位;2011年12月获得华中农业大学生化与分子生物学博士学位,博士期间主要从事水稻对稻曲病和白叶枯病抗性的分子生物学研究;而后前往新加坡淡马锡生命科学研究所从事博后阶段学习,在博士后阶段主要从事稻瘟菌的功能基因组学以及细胞生物学研究;2016年11月加入中国水稻研究所组建水稻–病原菌互作组。近年在国际著名期刊如《Current Opinion in PlantBiology》、《journal of experimental botany》、《New Phytologist》等杂志发表研究SCI论文十余篇。参与编写专著一部,获批国内专利1项。


1. 稻瘟病菌与水稻相互作用的分子机制研究




2. 稻曲病菌与水稻相互作用的分子机制研究以及抗稻曲病资源的挖掘



3. 水稻抗稻瘟病、稻曲病以及其他病害的分子育种。


——期刊 (#第一作者,*通讯作者)



  1. Kou Y#, He Y#,Qiu J, Shu Y, Yang F, Deng Y, Naqvi NI *. Mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy are necessary for proper invasive growth in Rice Blast. Mol Plant Pathol, 2019, doi: 10.1111/mpp.12822. (当年影响因子4.38)

  2. Qiu J#, Shuai M, Deng Y, Kou Y*. Ustilaginoidea Virens:A Fungus Infects Rice Flower And Threats World Rice Production. Rice Sci, 2019, 26(4):199-206.(Journal cover features) (当年影响因子 2.37)

  3. Kou Y#*, Qiu J, Tao Z*. Every Coin Has Two Sides: Reactive Oxygen Species during Rice-Magnaporthe oryzae Interaction. Int J Mol Sci, 2019, 20(5). pii:E1191. (First author and Corresponding author, Invited review) (当年影响因子4.18)

  4. Kou Y#*, Tan YH, Ramanujam R, Naqvi NI*.Structure-function analysis of Pth11 reveals an essential role for redoxregulation and CFEM motif. New Phytol, 2017, 214(1):330-342.(First author and Corresponding author)(当年影响因子 7.4)

  5. Kou Y#* and Naqvi NI*. Surface Sensing and Signaling Networks in PlantPathogenic Fungi. Semin Cell Dev Biol, 2016, 57:84-92. (First author andCorresponding author)(当年影响因子 6.6)

  6. Wu J#, Kou Y#, Bao J#, Li Y, Tang M,Zhu X, Ponaya A, Xiao G, Li J, Li C, Song MY, Cumagun CJ, Deng Q, Lu G, Jeon JS, Naqvi NI, Zhou B*. Comparative genomics identifies the Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence effector AvrPi9 that triggers Pi9-mediatedblast resistance in rice. New Phytol, 2015, 206(4):1463-1475. (Co-firstauthor) (当年影响因子 7.2)

  7. Kou Y#, Chang Y, Xu C, Li X and Wang S*. The rice RAD51C gene is required forthe meiosis of both female and male gametocytes and the DNA repair of somaticcells. J Exp Bot, 2012, 63(14):5323-5335.(当年影响因子 5.2)

  8. Kou Y# and Wang S*. Towards an understanding of the molecular basis of plant quantitative disease resistancein rice. J Biotechnol, 2011, 159(4):283-290. (当年影响因子3.2)

  9. Kou Y#, Li X, Xiao J and Wang S*. Identification of genes contributing to quantitative disease resistance inrice. Sci China Life Sci, 2011, 53(11):1263-1273. (Journal cover features) (当年影响因子1.3)

  10. Kou Y# and Wang S*. Broad-spectrum anddurability: understanding of quantitative disease resistance. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2010, 13(2):181-185. (当年影响因子 9.4)

  11. Kou Y#, Qiu D, Wang L, Li X and Wang S*. Molecular analyses of the rice tubby-like protein gene family and their response to bacterialinfection. Plant Cell Rep, 2009, 28(1):113-121. (当年影响因子 2.3)


  1. Liang M#, Zhang S, Dong L, Kou Y, Lin C, Dai W, Zhang LH, Deng YZ*.Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics of Lysine Acetylome Identifies Substrates of Gcn5 in Magnaporthe oryzae Autophagyand Epigenetic Regulation.mSystems, 2018, 3(6). pii: e00270-18. (当年影响因子5.7)

  2. Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K,Abe A … Kou Y … et al. Guidelines for the use andinterpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy, 2016, 12(1):1-222. (当年影响因子8.5)

  3. Tao Z#, Kou Y, Liu H, Li X, Xiao J and Wang S*.OsWRKY45 alleles play different rolesin abscisic acid signaling and salt stress tolerance in rice. J Exp Bot, 2011, 62(14):4863-4874.(当年影响因子5.4)


王石平、寇艳君.水稻rad51c基因在育性控制中的应用(CN102888408 A),专利授权日:2014/06/11


Kou Y, Wang S (2013) Bacterial blight resistance in rice. In: Rajeev K. Varshney, Roberto Tuberosa (eds) Translational genomics for crop breeding, volume 1. Biotic Stress. Wiley-Blackwell/John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp 11–30.



2017/01-2019/12 中国农业科学院科技创新工程

2016/11-2017/11 中国农业科学院青年英才计划

2019/1-2021/12 稻曲病菌致病基因Uvt506的鉴定及功能分析,浙江省自然科学基金

2019/1-2021/12 Pi9 介导抗病反应的分子机制研究,浙江省自然科学基金





联 系 人:邱结华

联系电话:0571-63500169 电子邮箱:qjh360@qq.com


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