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China National Center for Rice Improvement

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  • Dr. Ying Jiezheng

    Associate Professor

    China National Center for Rice Improvement

    China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI)

    Address: No. 359, Tiyuchang Rd., Hangzhou 310006, P.R. China

    Phone: +86-571-63370364

    Fax: +86-571-63370364



Education Background


Ying Jiezheng received his BSc degree in Plant Genetics and Breeding (1997) from China Agricultural University, his MSc degree in Crop Genetics and Breeding (2006) from Zhejiang University, China and his PhD in Genetics (2012) from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China.


Research Area


His research focuses on the isolated and functional analysis of genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling rice yield and quality traits. The objective is to understand the genetic and molecular mechanisms of rice seed development and contribute to molecular breeding of rice.

    1. Publications

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