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  • Mr. Mao Yijian

    Associate Professor

    Zhejiang Guodao Hi-tech Seeds

    China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI)

    Address: Zhejiang Guodao Hi-tech Seed Co.,Ltd

    Phone: +86-571-63370106

    Fax: +86-571-63370106



Education Background


Mao Yijian, a senior Agronomist, received his BSc degree in Agronomy (1993) from the Zhejiang Agricultural University, China and his MSc degree in Agricultural Technology Extension (2011) from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).


Research Area


He has been engaged in breeding and seed production of hybrid rice for twenty years.He is currently the Deputy General Manager of Zhejiang Guodao Hi-tech Seeds Co.,Ltd and responsible for hybrid rice breeding and seed production of the company. He is undertaking several projects of science and technology for rice research in Zhejiang province. He has published more than 10 scientific papers.

    1. Publications

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