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Role of Abscisic Acid in Thermal Acclimation of Plants
Md. Rezaul Islam+, Baohua Feng+, Tingting Chen, Longxing Tao* and Guanfu Fu*
Journal of Plant Biology , 2018,61(5):255-264


Abscisic acid (ABA) is a stress hormone thatconfers resistance to abiotic stressors, including drought,salt, cold, and heat. In general, antioxidant capacity andheat shock proteins (HSPs) mainly mediate ABA toenhance thermal acclimation in plants, but sugar metabolismand signaling also play critical roles in this response in thepresence of ABA. Indeed, ABA accelerates sugar metabolismand transports more carbohydrates to spikelets under heatstress, which is beneficial to plants surviving under stressfulconditions. Few studies have summarized the interactionsamong sucrose metabolism, signaling, and hormones inplants during heat stress, but this topic will likely attractmore attention in the future. This article reviews theantioxidant capacity, HSPs, sugar metabolism, hormonecrosstalk, and their interactions involved in ABA-inducedheat tolerance in plants. Clarifying the underlying mechanismswill be invaluable for breeding heat-resistant cultivars andfor developing new tissue culture techniques that reduceheat damage in plants.