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有关控制水稻颖片形成和小穗发育的研究成果在《The Plant Journal》上发表


我所水稻生物学国家重点实验室博士研究生李浩戈、薛大伟为并列第一作者的论文“控制水稻颖片形成和小穗发育的脂酶基因——额外颖基因EXTRA GLUME1的克隆”在国际植物学权威杂志《The Plant Journal》上发表(电子版2008年10月11日刊出)。研究人员克隆了水稻额外颖基因——EXTRA GLUME1(EG1),研究发现该基因编码一脂酶,不但决定水稻颖片形成,而且还可控制小花的发育。与已知的植物脂酶功能不同,EG1编码的III类脂酶揭示了颖片形成和小穗发育的调控新途径的存在。


A putative lipase gene EXTRA GLUME1 regulates both empty glume fate and spikelet development in rice

Haoge Li,Dawei Xue,Zhenyu Gao,Meixian Yan,Wenying Xu,Zhuo Xing,Danian Huang,Qian Qian,Yongbiao Xue.

The Plant Journal

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03710.x


Recent studies have shown that molecular control of inner floral organ identity appears to be largely conserved between monocots and dicots, but little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying monocot outer floral organ development, a unique floral structure in grasses. In this study, we report the cloning of rice EXTRA GLUME1 (EG1) gene, a putative lipase gene, which specifies empty glume fate and floral determinacy. In addition to affecting the identity and number of empty glumes, mutations in EG1 caused ectopic floral organs to be formed each organ whorl or in extra ectopic whorls. Iterative glume-like structures or new floral organ primordia were formed in the presumptive region of carpel, resulting in an indeterminate floral meristem. EG1 is expressed strongly in inflorescence primordia and weakly in developing floral primordia. We also found that the floral meristem and organ identity gene OsLHS1 showed altered expression in both pattern and levels in the eg1 mutant, and is likely responsible for the pleiotropic floral defects in eg1. As a putative class III lipase that functionally differs from any known plant lipase, EG1 reveals a novel pathway that regulates rice empty glume fate and spikelet development.

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