Dr. Feng Guozhong
State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology
China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI)
Address: No. 359, Tiyuchang Rd., Hangzhou 310006, P.R. China
Phone: +86-571-63370220
Fax: +86-571-63370220
E-mail: fengguozhong@caas.cn
Education Background
Feng Guozhong, a specialist on biopesticide, received his BSc degree (2001) from Hubei Agricultural University (renamed as Yangtze University), his MSc degree (2004) from South China Agricultural University and his PhD (2007) from Sun-Yet-sen University. From 2009 to 2013, he got postdoc traning in University of Guelph, Canada.
Research Area
Prof. Feng leads the group of biopesticide of CNRRI. His research focuses on insect viruses and biocontrol bacteria, including: (i) regulation of viral DNA replication and the role of viral components associated with viral DNA replication; (ii) identification of viruses in rice invertebrate hosts and rice plants by using the tools of deep meta-transcriptomics; (iii) biosynthesis of metabolites from biocontrol bacteria. He also studies the key technologies of use of insect viruses as biopesticide as well as development of biocontrol bacteria for rice disease control.
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