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Rice Product Quality Inspection and Supervision Testing Center

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  • Mr. Zhu Zhiwei


    Rice Product Quality Inspection and Supervision Testing Center

    China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI)

    Address: No. 359, Tiyuchang Rd., Hangzhou 310006, P.R. China

    Phone: +86-571-63370383

    Fax: +86-571-63370380



Education Background


Zhu Zhiwei received his BSc in Chemistry (1980-1984) from the Xiamen University, China.


Research Area


He is the leader of the Rice Safety Risk Assessment Innovation Team, China National Rice Research Insititute, and the director of the Quality and Safety Risk Assessment Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture. He has engaged in the research of rice grain quality, the agricultural standards, and the safety and risk assessment of agricultural products since 1984. He is responsible for the program of national crop standard system, national cereal safety and quality inspection, and rice safety risk assessment.


He is the member of the National Agricultural Product Safety Risk Assessment Committee, the Expert Group of Agricultural Product Safety and Quality of Ministry of Agriculture, the Expert Committee of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products in the Ministry of Agriculture. He is a member of the Editorial Board of two journals: Rice Science and Quality and Safety of Agro-Product.

    1. Publications
    1. Standards


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