Notched belly grain (NBG) is a type of deformed grain shape that has been associatedwith inferior appearance and tastes in rice. NBG is coordinated by both environments and genetics.In this study, we report on the first map-based cloning of an NBG gene on chromosome 4, denoted NBG4, which is a novel allele of Dwarf 11 encoding a cytochrome P450 (CYP724B1) involved in brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthesis. A 10-bp deletion in the 7th exon knocked down the level of the NBG4 transcript and shifted the reading frame of the resulting protein. In addition to the dwarf and clustered panicle as previously reported in the allelic mutants, nbg4 grains also displayed retarded germination and NBG due to the physical constraint of deformed hulls caused by abnormal hull elongation. NBG4 is constitutively expressed with the highest level of expression in immature inflorescences. In all, 2294 genes were differentially expressed in nbg4 and wild-type (WT), andevidence is presented that NBG4 regulates OsPPS-2, OsPRA2, OsYUCCA1, sped1-D, and Dwarf that play critical roles in determining plant architecture, panicle development, and seed germination.This study demonstrated that NBG4 is a key node in the brassinosteroid-mediated regulation of rice grain shape.
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