Most Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) and gene isolation approaches, such as positional- ormap-based cloning, are time-consuming and low-throughput methods. Understanding and detectingthe genetic material that controls a phenotype is a key means to functionally analyzing genesas well as to enhance crop agronomic traits. In this regard, high-throughput technologies have greatprospects for changing the paradigms of DNA marker revealing, genotyping, and for discoveringcrop genetics and genomic study. Bulk segregant analysis, based on whole genome resequencingapproaches, permits the rapid isolation of the genes or QTL responsible for the causative mutation ofthe phenotypes. MutMap, MutMap Gap, MutMap+, modified MutMap, and QTL-seq methods areamong those approaches that have been confirmed to be fruitful gene mapping approaches for cropplants, such as rice, irrespective of whether the characters are determined by polygenes. As a result,in the present study we reviewed the progress made by all these methods to identify QTL or genesin rice.
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