The leaf blade is the main photosynthetic organ and its morphology is related to light energy capture and conversion efficiency. We isolated a novel rice Dynamic Narrow-Rolled Leaf 1 (dnrl1) mutant showing reduced width of leaf blades, rolled leaves and lower chlorophyll content.The narrow-rolled leaf phenotype resulted from the reduced number of small longitudinal veins per leaf, smaller size and irregular arrangement of bulliform cells compared with the wild-type. DNRL1 was mapped to chromosome 7 and encoded a putative 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase (DAHPS) which catalyzes the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate and D-erythrose 4-phosphate to DAHP and phosphate. Sequence analysis revealed that a single base substitution (T–A) was detected in dnrl1, leading to a single amino acid change (L376H) in the coding protein. The mutation led to a lower expression level of DNRL1 as well as the lower activity of DAHPS in the mutant compared with the wild type. Genetic complementation and over-expression of DNRL1 could rescue the narrow-rolled phenotype. DNRL1 was constitutively expressed in all tested organs and exhibited different expression patterns from other narrow-rolled leaf genes. DNRL1-GFP locatedto chloroplasts. The lower level of chlorophyll in dnrl1 was associated with the downregulation of the genes responsible for chlorophyll biosynthesis and photosynthesis. Furthermore, dnrl1 showed significantly reduced levels of aromatic amino acids including Trp, Phe and Tyr. We conclude that OsDAHPS, encoded by DNRL1, plays a critical role in leaf morphogenesis by mediating the biosynthesis of amino acids in rice.
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