分别于1998年、2005年在山东大学获生物化学专业学士学位和细胞生物学专业博士学位。先后在中国科学院植物研究所和英国John Innes Centre从事访问和博士后研究;2008-2018年在中科院植物所历任助理研究员和副研究员;2018-2024年任东北林业大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师。2024年8月至今任中国水稻研究所研究员/课题组长,主要开展植物合成生物学相关研究,包括解析天然产物代谢途径、阐明关键酶催化机制、组装生物合成途径、及构建合成天然产物植物底盘。主持国家级项目10余项,在Nat Commu、PNAS、Nat Prod Rep等SCI期刊发表学术论文60余篇,授权发明专利 26项,获得省部级科技奖2项,主编教材《植物代谢》。曾任“植物天然活性物质的生物合成与利用”黑龙江省重点实验室主任、国家林草局“植物天然活性物质利用国家创新联盟”理事长。现为中国植物生理和植物分子生物学学会理事、黑龙江省生物工程学会和细胞生物学会常务理事。Microb Cell Fac、东北林业大学学报、植物研究等期刊编委。
1. 三萜和甾体生物合成途径解析及其生物学功能研究。
2. 以植物为底盘的三萜和甾体合成生物学研究及稻米营养强化。
3. 水稻中重要代谢物的靶向代谢组学方法的开发和应用。
代表性论著 (* 通讯作者,# 共同一作):
1. Lu J#, Yan S#, Xue Z*. (2024) Biosynthesis and functions of triterpenoids in cereals. Journal of Advanced Research, doi.org/10.1016/j.jare.2024.05.021
2. Liu J, Yin X, Kou C, Thimmappa R, Hua X, Xue Z*. (2024) Classification, biosynthesis and biological function of triterpene esters in plants. Plant Communications, 5: 100845
3. Kou C#, Liu J#, Xue Y#, He D, Liu J, Hua X, Ma R, Sun W, Xue Z*, Ma P*. (2024) Efficient heterologous biosynthesis of verazine, a metabolic precursor of the anti-cancer drug cyclopamine, in Nicotiana benthamiana . Plant Communications, 5: 100831
4. Lin J, Yin X, Zeng Y, Hong X, Zhang S, Cui B, Zhu Q, Liang Z, Xue Z*, Yang D*. (2023) Progress and prospect: biosynthesis of plant natural products based on plant chassis. Biotechnology Advances, 69: 108266
5. Yin X#, Liu J#, Kou C#, Lu J, Zhang H, Song W*, Li Y*, Xue Z*, Hua X*. (2023) Deciphering the network of cholesterol biosynthesis in Paris polyphylla laid a base for efficient diosgenin production in plant chassis. Metabolic Engineering, 76: 232246
6. Li Y, Wang J, Li L, Song W, Li M, H—ua X, Wang Y, Yuan J *, Xue Z*. (2023) Natural products of pentacyclic triterpenoids: from the discovery to heterologous biosynthesis. Natural Product Reports, 40: 1293—1458
7. Mo Q, Song W, Xue Z*, Yuan J*. (2022) Multi-level engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the synthesis and accumulation of retinal. Green Chemistry, 24: 8259-8263
8. Liang M#, Fan Z#, Xu J, Wang X, Wu R *, Xue Z*. (2022) A conserved mechanism affecting hydride shifting and deprotonation in the synthesis of hopane-type triterpenes as the wax compositions in oat. PNAS, 119:e2118709119
9. Hua X#, Song W#, Wang K#, Yin X, Hao C, Duan B, Xu Z*, Su T*, Xue Z*. (2022) Effective prediction of biosynthetic pathway genes involved in bioactive polyphyllins in Paris polyphylla . Communications Biology, 5: 50
10. Wang J, Guo Y, Yin X, Wang X*, Qi X*, Xue Z*. (2022) Diverse triterpene skeletons are derived from the expansion and divergent evolution of 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclases in plants. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 57: 113—132
11. Song W#, Zhang C#, Wu J, Qi J, Hua X, Kang L*, Yuan Q*, Yuan J*, Xue Z*. (2022) Characterization of three Paris polyphylla glycosyltransferases from different UGT families for steroid functionalization. ACS Synthetic Biology, 11: 1669—1680
12. Zhang H#, Hua X#, Zheng D, Wu H, Li C, Rao P, Wen M, Choi Y, Xue Z*, Wang Y*, Li Y*. (2022) De novo biosynthesis of oleanane-type ginsenosides in Saccharomyces cerevisiae realized by characterizing and engineering two distinguished types of glycosyltransferases from Panax ginseng. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70: 2231—2240
13. Lian X, Zhang X, Wang F, Wang X, Xue Z*, Qi X*. (2020) Characterization of a 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase in the toosendanin biosynthetic pathway of Melia toosendan . Physiologia Plantarum, 170:528—536.
14. Cao L#,Wu H#, Zhang H, Zhao Q, Yin X, Zheng D, Li C, Kim M, Kim P, Xue Z*, Wang Y*, Li Y*. (2020) Highly efficient production of diverse rare ginsenosides using combinatorial biotechnology. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 117:1615—1627
15. Xue Z#, Tan Z#, Huang A, Zhou Y, Sun J, Wang X, Thimmappa R, Stephenson M, Osbourn A*, Qi X*. (2018) Identification of key amino acid residues determining product specificity of 2, 3-oxidosqualene cyclase in Oryza species. New Phytologist, 218:1076—1088
16. Xue Z#, Xu X#, Zhou Y#, Wang X, Zhang Y, Liu D, Zhao B, Duan L, Qi X*. (2018) Deficiency of a triterpene pathway results in humidity-sensitive genic male sterility in rice. Nature Communications, 9: 604
17. Sun J#, Xu X#, Xue Z#, Snyder J, Qi X*. (2013) Functional analysis of a rice oxidosqualene cyclase through total gene synthesis. Molecular Plant, 6: 1726—1729
18. Xue Z, Duan L, Liu D, Guo J, Ge S, Dicks J, O ´ Ma´ille P, Osbourn A, Qi X*. (2012) Divergent evolution of oxidosqualene cyclases in plants. New Phytologist, 193: 1022—1038.
19. 薛哲勇,张秀丽.《植物代谢》.东北林业大学出版社,2022年。
20. Xue Z, Li Y, Yin X, Guo Y, Liu J. Mining bioparts for the biosynthesis of plant derived bioactive compounds via omics and bioinformatics technologies. Engineering Biology for Microbial Biosynthesis of Plant-Derived Bioactive Compounds, 2024, Chapter 1: 1—32
1. 稻麦玉米全谷物营养健康性状形成的机理(2024YFF1000600),国家重点研发计划子课题, 2024-2027,在研。
2. 植物源复杂结构天然化合物的生物合成途径解析及异源合成(2023YFA0915800),国家重点研发计划子课题, 2023-2028,在研。
3. 甾体皂苷定向生物合成创制广谱抗病燕麦种质(32241040),国家自然科学基金专项项目,2023-2025,在研。
4. 燕麦甾体皂苷合成基因簇及代谢途径解析(31970314),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2020-2023,结题。
5. 四环三萜帕克醇代谢途径调节水稻分蘖的机制研究 (31770332),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018-2021, 结题。
7. 水稻三萜代谢物多样性的进化机制研究(31370337),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2014-2017, 结题。
8. 水稻甾醇及其皂苷合成的新途径研究(30900114),国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2010-2012,结题。
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