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魏祥进 专业学科:作物种质资源学 研究方向:作物种质资源创新与利用 |
魏祥进,博士,研究员。2009年7月起在中国水稻研究所工作,主要从事水稻品质、耐逆等重要农艺性状机理解析及优质耐逆水稻新品种培育研究。先后主持浙江省杰出青年基金、国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然基金面上项目、国家自然基金青年基金等项目。以第一作者或通讯作者在Molecular Plant, National Science Review,Plant Biotechnol J, New Phytologist, Plant Communications等期刊上发表相关研究论文60余篇;以第一完成人获国家发明专利授权9项。以主要完成人参与审定水稻新品种10余个,获国家科技进步二等奖、浙江省科学技术进步奖一等奖、第九届大北农科技一等奖等奖励5项。2019年入选浙江省“万人计划”科技创新领军人才。2021年入选国家级青年拔尖人才。目前年在研经费约150万元。
1. 国家重点研发计划课题“水稻高产优质高抗新种质创制”,2023年12月-2028年11月,520万;
2. 国家自然基金面上项目“LSD1与LSD2调控水稻叶片和胚乳中淀粉合成并影响稻米品质与产量的机理研究”,2023年01月-2027年12月,58万。
3. 国家生物育种重大专项任务“水稻氮高效利用相关基因挖掘与评价”,2023年12月-2025年12月,95万;
4. 国家农业重大专项任务“胚乳储藏淀粉含量关键基因挖掘及其应用”, 2022年11月-2022年12月,200万;
1. 一种水稻胚乳特异性表达启动子pEnd2及其应用(国家发明专利:ZL202210507099.9),排名第一;
2. 一种创制水稻高产优质的方法(国家发明专利:ZL202211688130.X),排名第一;
3. 控制稻米谷蛋白含量基因LGC2及其应用(国家发明专利:ZL202211636362.0),排名第一;
4. 水稻胚乳发育相关基因OsHsp40-1 及其应用(国家发明专利:ZL202211606028.0),排名第一;
5. 一种控制稻米胚乳垩白形成的基因OsPK2及其应用(国家发明专利:ZL201611077144.2),排名第一;
1. 超高产专用早籼稻品种中嘉早17等的选育与应用,2020年度国家科技进步二等奖,排名第八(8/10);
2. 超级专用早稻中嘉早17的选育与应用,2016 年度浙江省科学技术进步一等奖,排名第九(9/11);
3. 前期功能型超级专用早稻中嘉早17的选育与应用,2017年度神农中华农业科技奖二等奖,排名第十一(11/14);
4. 超级专用早稻中嘉早17 的选育与应用,2015 年第九届大北农科技成果奖一等奖,排名第九(9/11);
5. 环境友好型超级专用早稻中嘉早17 的选育与应用,2015 年中国农业科学院杰出科技创新奖,排名第九(9/11);
1. Lv Y,Shao G, Jiao G, Sheng Z, Xie L, Hu S, Tang S, Wei X*, Hu P*. (2021). Targeted mutagenesis of POLYAMINE OXIDASE 5 that negatively regulates mesocotyl elongation enables the generation of directseeding rice with improved grain yield. Molecular Plant, 14:344-351. (* Corresponding author)
2. Li Z., Wei X. (并列第一), Tong X., Zhao J., Liu X., Wang H., Tang L., Shu Y., Li G., Wang Y., Ying J., Jiao G., Hu H., Hu P., and Zhang J. (2022). The OsNAC23-Tre6P-SnRK1a feed-forward loop regulates sugar homeostasis and grain yield in rice. Molecular Plant. 15, 706–722.
3. Lu F, Jiao G, Qiu J, Zhao S, Zhao F, Wang P, Chen L, Chen P, Li X, Dong N, Cao R, Li XX, Ruan Z, Shao G, Hu S, Sheng Z, Xie L, S, Hu P*, Wei X*, A molecular module improves rice grain quality and yield at high temperature, National Science Review, 2024, nwae416
4. Dong N., Jiao G., Cao R., Li S., Zhao S., Duan Y., Ma L., Li X., Lu F., Wang H., Wang S., Shao G., Sheng Z., Hu S., Tang S., Wei X.*, and Hu P*. (2024). OsLESV and OsESV1 promote transitory and storage starch biosynthesis to determine rice grain quality and yield. Plant Communications. 5, 100893.
5. Lyu, Y., Dong, X., Niu, S., Cao, R., Shao, G., Sheng, Z., Jiao, G., Xie, L., Hu, S., Tang, S., Wei X*, Hu P* (2024). An orchestrated ethylene–gibberellin signaling cascade contributes to mesocotyl elongation and emergence of rice direct seeding. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 66: 1427–1439.
6. Zhu M, Zhang M, Huang K, Lu F, Wang H, Zhao S, Yu Y, Tang S, Wu H, Hu P*, Wei X*. (2024) Single-cell transcriptome sequencing reveals the mechanism regulating rice plumule development. The Crop Journal, 12: 688–697
7. Hui S, Li H, Mawia AM, Zhou L, Cai J, Ahmad S, Lai C, Wang J, Jiao G, Xie L, Shao G, Sheng Z, Tang S, Wang J, Wei X*, Hu S*, Hu P*. (2022). Production of aromatic three-line hybrid rice using novel alleles of BADH2. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20:59-74.
8. Wang Z, Sun J, Zu X, Gong J, Deng H, Hang R, Zhang X, Liu C, Deng X, Luo L, Wei X*, Song X*, Cao X*. (2022). Pseudouridylation of chloroplast ribosomal RNA contributes to low temperature acclimation in rice. New Phytologist, 236: 1708–1720.
9. Fang L, Ma L, Zhao S, Cao R, Jiao G, Hu P*, Wei X*. (2022). Alanine aminotransferase (OsAlaAT1) modulates nitrogen utilization, grain yield, and quality in rice. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 49:510-513.
10. Cao R, Zhao S, Jiao G, Duan Y, Ma L, Dong N, Lu F, Zhu M, Shao G, Hu S, Sheng Z, Zhang J, Tang S, Wei X*, Hu P*. (2022). OPAQUE3, encoding a transmembrane bZIP transcription factor, regulates endosperm storage protein and starch biosynthesis in rice. Plant Communications, 100463
11. Liu X, Zhang X, Cao R, Jiao G, Hu S, Shao G, Sheng Z, Xie L, Tang S, Wei X*, Hu P*. (2021). CDE4 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein involved in chloroplast RNA splicing and affects chloroplast development under low temperature conditions in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 63:1724-1739.
12. Wang W, Wei X*, Jiao G, Chen W, Wu Y, Sheng Z, Hu S, Xie L, Wang J, Tang S*, Hu P*. (2020). GBSS-BINDING PROTEIN, encoding a CBM48 domain containing protein, affects rice quality and yield. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62:948-966.
13. Cai Y,Li S, Jiao G, Sheng Z, Wu Y, Shao G, Xie L, Peng C, Xu J, Tang S, Wei X*, Hu P*. (2018). OsPK2 encodes a plastidic pyruvate kinase involved in rice endosperm starch synthesis, compound granule formation and grain filling. Plant Biotechnol. J., 2018, 16: 1878-1891
14. Wei X, Xu J, Guo H, Jiang L, Chen S, Yu C, Zhou Z, Hu PS, Zhai HQ, Wan JM*. (2010). DTH8 Suppresses Flowering in Rice, Influencing Plant Height and Yield Potential Simultaneously. Plant Physiology, 153: 1747-1758
15. Lv Y,Shao G, Qiu J, Jiao G, Sheng Z, Xie L, Wu Y, Tang S, Wei X*, Hu P*. (2017). White Leaf and Panicle 2, encoding a PEP –associated protein, is required for chloroplast biogenesis under heat stress in rice. J. Exp. Bot., 2017, 68: 5147-5160
16. Wei XJ, Jiao G, Lin H, Sheng Z, Shao G, Xie L, Tang S, Xu Q, Hu P. (2017). GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING 2 regulates grain filling and starch synthesis during rice caryopsis development. J. Integr. Plant Biol, 59(2):134-153 (IF=3.96)
17. Wei X, Song X, Wei L, Tang S, Sun J, Hu P, Cao X. (2017). An epiallele of rice AK1 affects photosynthetic capacity. J. Integr. Plant Biol, 59(3):158-163
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