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Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals the mechanistic basis of Pib-mediated broad spectrum resistance against Magnaporthe oryzae
Jiehua Qiu#; Feifei Lu#; Meng Xiong; Shuai Meng; Xianglin Shen; Yanjun Kou*
Functional & Integrative Genomics


Rice blast, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, is a highly damaging disease. Introducing genes, which confer a broad spectrum resistance to the disease, such as Pib, makes an important contribution to protecting rice production. However, little is known regarding the mechanistic basis of the products of such genes. In this study, transcriptome of the cultivar Lijiangxintuanheigu (LTH) and its monogenic IRBLb-B which harbors Pib treated with M. oryzae were compared. Among the many genes responding transcriptionally to infection were some encoding products involved in the metabolism of ROS (reactive oxygen species), in jasmonate (JA) metabolism, and WRKY transcription factors, receptor kinases, and resistance response signal modulation. The down-regulation of genes encoding peroxiredoxin and glutathione S transferases implied that the redox homeostasis is essential for the expression of Pib-mediated resistance. The up-regulation of seven disease resistance-related genes, including three encoding a NBS-LRR protein, indicated that disease resistance-related genes are likely tend to support the expression of Pib resistance. These data revealed that potential candidate genes and transcriptional reprogramming were involved in Pib-mediated resistance mechanisms.